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文章来源:上饶无痛人流医院         发布时间:2009-07-31    我要咨询

   摘 要 目的:研究笑气联合奥湿克应用于无痛人流术的疗效及对早孕妇女的影响。 方法:将810倒早孕妇女随机分为笑气组、奥湿克组、联合组和对照组。笑气组予笑气吸入镇痛;奥湿克组术前60mn口服奥湿克;联合组术前60 mn口服奥湿克后予笑气吸入镇痛;对照组不用任何药物,仅予12'头安慰。观察各组扩张宫颈前6号吸管能否通过宫颈管,扩张宫颈与吸刮宫腔时疼痛情况.术前术后血压、心率、呼吸与血氧饱和度,出血量变化及有无不良反应。结果:笑气组和联合组的镇痛效果显著,联合组效果最佳.4组间两两比较差异均显著(P<0,05或P<0.O1);前三组6号吸管通过率高;笑气组和联合组对呼吸循环系统影响甚微;对照组扩张宫颈与吸刮宫腔时疼痛均明显,6号吸管通过率低,对呼吸循环系统影响很大 结论:笑气联合奥湿克用于人流镇痛效果确切.术中病人安静、合作,便于手术操作,苏醒快,不良反应少,是一种非常理想的人流镇痛方法,值得临床推广使用。

  关键词 :镇痛 笑气 终止妊娠 氧化亚氮 米索前列醇

  Clinical study on painless induced aborton with inllng nitrous oxide and taking arthrotee orally Zhang Hong,Xu Hongli。Xioliang.et  Shenzhen People’s Hospitl,Shenzhen 518020,China Abstract Objective:To study the efiiency of inhaling nitrous odde and taking arthrote orally for painless induced aborton and its efects on early pregnancy women.Methods:810 early pregnancy women were randomly divided into four groups nitrous oxide group (n=120,inhaling nitrous oxide during operation),mtrotec group(n=240,taking mtrotec orally at 60 minute fore operation),united group(n=240,taking mtrotec orally at 60 minutes before operation and inhaling nitrous o)dde durng operation),and contrl group(n=210.being calmed by oral language only),The patient’s pain whilee] panding the cervix and sucking tlle uterne cavity,whether SHCtiOR No.6 go through the cervix before expanding it.the patients’blood pressure,heart rate,breath and blood and oxygen turationlever before and afterthe operation,the amount ofbloodloss,and bad reation offour Dupswere,erved.Results:Thereis a signifcant diference in analgesic effect between every two groups(P< p> ide group(especially united group)is the best among four groups,In the first three groups,tile rate ofgoing tllmuglt the cervix by 81.C‘tion No,6 i high,There is cery litle infuence On breath and circulation system of the patiems of nitrous oxide group and united group.The patients’pain of control group is obervious,the rate of going through the vervix by sucton No.6 is low,there is tremendous infucnee on breath and cirettlation system.Conclusion:Inhaling nitrous oxide and taking mtrotee orally has very exactanalgesic efect in inuced abortion,the patents is qiet and cooperative during operation,and revive fast. This way is very ideal for paifdess induced aborton,and clnically worth using widely.

  Key words: rtion,Induced;  Analgesia Nitrous oxide;  Misopmstol


  1 资料与方法

  1.1研究对象:自2001年l0~l2月,选择我院门诊810例早孕女性,均为未产妇,无使用前列腺素类药物禁忌证,亦无高血压病、心脏病等笑气使用禁忌证。随机分为笑气组、奥湿克组、联合组和对照组,分别为 120、240、240和210例,各组间平均年龄、妊娠天数和流产次数经统计学处理均无差别。

  1.2 设备和方法:笑气来源为香港氧气公司生产的瓶装安桃乐(ENTONOX)气体,内含质量分数为50%氧化亚氮和50%氧气。使用设备为英国产SABRE EASE急救镇痛气体供应装置,包括一个供气阀和一个带自动活瓣的面罩,两者 用软管连接。在活瓣自动控制下吸人性供气,流量4L/min。笑气组,予面罩封闭吸人笑气镇痛,待病人意识模糊后扩张宫颈管,继之行人流术,术终停止吸人笑气病人即苏醒,术后1-2MIN即可下床行走,观察1O一20min可离院回家。奥湿 克组,口服奥湿克(每片含双氯酚酸钠50Ⅱlg,米索前列醇O.2mg)2片,60min后行人流术。联合组,术前60 min口服奥湿克2片,余同笑气组。对照组,口头安慰后行人流术。


  1.3 镇痛效果评定标准:扩张宫颈时疼痛与吸刮宫腔时疼痛的分级按VRS(verbal rating scale)语言等级评定量表法[5],分为四个等级。O级:无痛、安静合作; I级:轻微疼痛、易忍受、可合作; II级:中度疼痛、难忍受、呻吟不安、合作欠佳; Ⅲ级:重度疼痛、不能忍受、叫嚷不安、不能合作。 上饶无痛人流医院

  • 真正治好病人的不是冷冰冰的医疗器械,而是医生的医术、爱心、责任心。

  • 对病人认真负责就是好的医德,绝不让患者多花一分钱多受一点苦。

  • 对每一位患者都细致入微,让患者能放心治疗、愉悦就医、康复出院。
